Take the Pledge Pledge Type * I’m a female artist and pledge to raise my prices 15%. I’m an art collector and pledge to pay 15% higher prices for work by female artists. I'm a gallerist and support the female artists I represent raising their prices. I’m an arts professional and support pay equity for women. I’m an art lover and support pay equity for women. I represent an organization that supports pay equity for women. Name * First Name Last Name Title Organizational Affiliation Email Website http:// Instagram handle City * State Country I'd like to receive periodic updates about the project It's ok to link to my website to my name. Please keep my pledge private. I do not want to be named as a supporter. Tell us why you pledged to support equal pay for artists. Thank you for pledging to bridge the gender pay gap! We’ll send updates from the campaign (unless you opted-out!) Please share stories about your experiences. An email link is at the bottom of the page. Follow us on INSTAGRAM @theartofequalpay.