Carmen is a feminist superstar and strategist who crafts content that elevates activist perspectives and builds campaigns to spark social change. After a decade in the non-profit sector, Carmen launched a full-scale consulting practice in 2020 to work with a range of clients advancing gender justice and creating feminist media; she is also a co-founder of the Webby Award-nominated Argot Magazine, Consulting Digital Editor at Ms. magazine, and a contributor for DAME, the Women’s Media Center, and the National Women’s History Museum’s magazine. Carmen’s writing has been published by outlets including Autostraddle, Bitch, BuzzFeed, Bust, CityLab, ElixHER, Feministing, Feminist Formations, GirlBoss, GrokNation, MEL, Mic and SIGNS. She is also the former co-host and co-producer of the podcasts POPAGANDA and THE BOSSY SHOW podcast and the video series TRIGGER HAPPY. Carmen has been overheard on NPR; forced to wear make-up on CNN, Good Morning America and the Early Show; profiled by the New York Times; and covered by the Washington Post and the Guardian.